Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Euthanasia: Suffering and Powerful Pain Relief

One of the reasons that some people believe that euthanasia is morally okay is that if people with a terminal illness want to die, you should let them. Others will argue that life is a gift from God and that another human shouldn’t interfere with God’s will even if they are begged to help. An example of this is in the Bible. Thou shalt not kill is one of the Ten Commandments so it is therefore a fundamental tenet of the Christian and Jewish religions, but is it really murder?Euthanasia can help family members, relatives and carers to end the dreadful pain and suffering that their loved ones have to endure. It sometimes seems the kindest thing to do. However one could argue that with more powerful pain relief and dedicated hospices, pain should be controlled. Another reason against euthanasia is that in hospitals it could destroy the relationship and trust between the patient and the doctor. Also is it really fair to put the Doctor in the position of having to make such a key decision?Surely if God gave life then only he can decide when to take it back. The major argument against euthanasia in my opinion is that if it is legal it could be subject to a great deal of abuse, such as relatives not wanting to bother anymore or getting their hands on someone’s will. Even Doctors could be tempted to hurry along a patient’s death in order to harvest their organs for a younger patient. It is a bit like the argument for Capital punishment, what if you hang the wrong man, similarly what if the man who has been in a coma for years suddenly awakes?Life is precious and it should not be devalued and if taken to it’s extreme in the hands of a person such as Hitler, euthanasia could stop being a choice but something that is enforced. In conclusion I think euthanasia should be allowed as if people want to die and they cannot do it for themselves they should be given help to die with dignity, surrounded by their loved ones, in their own home, not in some impersonal clinic in Switzerland. At the end of the day I believe in freedom of choice.

Ethnography on People Who Do Hot Yoga

Yogis For many people with hectic, stressful lives, relaxation means zoning out in front of the TV at the end of the day or getting some extra sleep at the end of the weekend, but for a certain group of people relaxing does not include this. These people are called yogis; those who achieve relaxation through the art of meditation, breathing, stretching, and finding inner peace. In today’s fast paced society it is hard to find a way to fully relax because people are constantly being forced to push their minds and bodies to the limit, which can result in high levels of stress.Rather than fighting against life’s hardships, people who practice yoga value deep relaxation in order to be free of stress and live each day in peace and harmony without being thrown out of balance by the ups and downs life may bring. As a college student living in today’s fast-paced society life’s obstacles frequently challenge me, which usually leads to great amounts of stress. Watch ing TV, sleeping, and working out are all ways to help me cope, but these activities never seem to fully get the job done. I never thought that this horrible sequence of stress would find and ending, until I experienced my first hot yoga class.I decided to do my ethnography on the subculture of yogis to find out how these people step out of society’s craziness and enter into a world of relaxation by connecting their bodies and minds. Lucky for me, one of my close friends, Jamie Mack, is someone who takes immense pride in yoga. I was able to talk to her about how yoga helps her free her stress and also get a first hand experience of a yoga session myself. It was like any other Sunday here in Lawrence; I woke up around 12:30 PM exhausted from the night before, and automatically thought of all the homework I had to complete.One of the assignments I needed to get done by the end of the day was going to observe my subculture for my ethnography essay. In the interview I conducted w ith my friend Jamie, she explained to me, â€Å"Yoga I s the best remedy for stress. A part of the practice in yoga is clearing your mind, and it is a great stress relief. † (Jamie Mack, interview) Like other yogi’s, Jamie practices yoga in order to be free from stress, and that was exactly what I needed. What could be a better day to relieve my stress than a Sunday? So, I picked up my phone to call Jamie and find out the name and directions to the place where she practices her yoga.She told me that the yoga place was named â€Å"Bikram Yoga†, which is another name for hot yoga. She also told me that I should arrive to the class about fifteen minutes before the session started in order to stretch and relax my mind. Yogis feel that it is key to relax their minds before a session begins because it helps them later when they are trying to achieve their inner peace. At 2:30 PM, my friend Caroline and I left our dorm to go see what this whole â€Å"yoga† thing was about. We arrived at Bikram Yoga fifteen minutes before three just like Jamie told us, and saw that it was a small little place pushed into the corner of the shopping strip.Caroline and I ran out of the car, and into the studio. We got in there and were automatically welcomed with big smiles and greetings from the two women standing behind a desk in the little room. One of the women asked us if we had ever been there before or if we had ever done a hot yoga class, but it was quite obvious that it was our first time since we both showed up with no mats or towels and everyone else who walked in seemed to have both of these items with them. When we explained to her that it was our first time, she introduced herself as Kimbo and handed us two forms to read and fill out.One of the forms was asking who recommended us to Bikram Yoga, and the other was asking us to initial statements that proved we would be respectful throughout the session by not talking and not bringing in our cell p hones, which are both actions that would interrupt the peace. The reason that we weren’t allowed to talk and bring our cell phones in is because yogis believe that one must forget about what is going on in the world outside of the room they are practicing and relaxing in. Also, the use of cell phones is a big contributor to high levels of stress in people. In an article, â€Å" Stress of Cell Phone Use Disturbs Sleep, Mood,† Dr.Z writes about the effects of cell phone usage and how it increases people’s stress. He explains, â€Å"A major prospective study over a period of one year of young adults who used their cell phones frequently reveals significant disturbances to sleep patterns, increased stress symptoms, and an increased incidence of clinical depression. † (Dr. Z) A cell phone is something that pushes people to use their minds and can cause a lot of problems. People who do yoga don’t want this fast-paced society to get to their heads, so the y choose to exclude anything that will stop them from achieving peace and relaxation.We sat down on a colorful little bench to fill out our forms, and we both agreed to be respectful during the session. While Caroline was still filling out her forms I took a look around the entrance room. There were a lot of peace signs, Buddha’s, and flowers, which made the scenery calm and peaceful. These types of decorations are all a part of achieving inner peace. Peace signs stand for peace, Buddha’s are looking to achieve peace, and flowers are always peaceful and welcoming.Yogis value peace because they are people who are always striving for harmony and balance to reach inner peace. When we were finished paying her for the session, we were given a mat and a towel so that we could properly participate. People who do hot yoga value their mats and their towels because these are two things that serve as artifacts that the value as a subculture. Without the mats their feet would slip al over the place since the heat makes their feet sweat and it would make it a lot harder for one to reach a level of relaxation that will help relieve stress.The towel is necessary to have by their sides at all times in case they need to wipe their faces off when their sweat gets out of control. As we walked down the narrow hallway to the room Kimbo had directed us to go to we heard he shout, â€Å"don’t forget to leave your shoes, coats, and any other belongings outside of the room. Oh and go in with as little clothing as you feel comfortable in. † I looked at Caroline and we both didn’t understand what she meant by that. As little clothing as possible? But why?We knew it was going be hot in the room since it was called â€Å"hot yoga†, but I guess we just didn’t understand exactly how hot this room was about to get. We opened the door to the room, and right away I thought I was going to pass out from the smell of dirty gym socks and sweat that circulated around it. The room was bright orange. Not the kind of orange that would make me sick looking at it for the ninety minutes I was going to be in there for, but the kind of orange that made me feel like I should be lying out in a tropical island.A very relaxing room besides the smell, but no one else seemed to care about it so I just chose to ignore it. The people didn’t care about the smell because they were there for one reason and one reason only; to relax their minds and become free from any stress they were having. It didn’t matter to them that this building was small and ugly, or that the room was hot and smelly because when they go there they are doing something that most people don’t, and that is not letting society’s fast-pace get to their heads. There were so many people in his small room. There were both men and women, tall, short, skinny, fat, eighteen or sixty with just one thing in common besides the fact that they all love yoga; th ey were all wearing very minimal clothing. Caroline and I were the two with the most clothing on and all we were wearing was spandex shorts and tank tops. This was a place where no one was judged on what their body looked like and every single person was respected for why they were there, not what they looked like. Everyone was talking to each other as if they had known each other for a while.Caroline and I placed our mats down close to the door we had walked through and the looks we received were nothing but nice. This made us feel welcome in a place where we knew no one. I loved it there already, and couldn’t wait for the instructor to come in, and for the session to start. After about ten minutes of waiting for the instructor she had finally arrived. It turned out that Kimbo, the nice lady from the front desk, was the instructor for that day’s hot yoga session. She opened up the door to the room and shouted, â€Å"hello my lovely people! I was amazed by the spirit this woman had running through her because it gave off a positive vibe. It is important to stay positive throughout a yoga session because people who do yoga feel that the positive energy is another way to relieve stress and bring harmony. Everyone in the room turned towards the front and smiled back to her as she walked up there to lead the class. Caroline and I just followed everyone else’s lead by also turning to the front. Kimbo started off by asking Caroline and I to move to different spots of the room so that we would be surrounded by people knew what they were doing.We moved our things and ended up on opposite sides of the room. My new neighbors all introduced themselves and smiled to me. Their positive attitudes towards me made it clear that they wanted me to succeed in my first session. These people are all very caring and would be happy for anyone who gives yoga a chance. They are a rather inclusive group of people as the want everyone to experience the goodness of letting not letting stress get to the head. Kimbo raised her arms high up in the first position, and everyone knew to stand up; the session had started.We began by reaching up for the sky, exhaling and inhaling deep breathes. These are the breathing routines that start off each session to get the body relaxed and ready to start. It is crucial in yoga that one keeps breathing and knows how to control their breathe because it is key to connecting the body to the mind, which results in high relaxation. I was now ready to go, and so was everyone else in the room. There were many positions that we covered, and for each one there were two sets which helped because I was able to watch the experienced yogis do the first one and then join in on the second set.From the book written by the creator of Bikram Yoga, Bikram Choudhury write, â€Å"Through the practice of yoga, you integrate your body and mind in a perfect union. † (Bikram, 32) He created these specific positions so that peop le who practice yoga will use their bodies as a way to connect to their inner self. These positions we were doing required a lot of flexibility. In my interview with Jamie, I asked if this yoga class required flexibility, and she responded by telling me, â€Å"You don’t have to be anything to do yoga, you just have to be willing to try it. I didn’t quite agree with her statement because I thought that the positions would be very hard to do if one isn’t flexible enough. What I came to find out was that even though these positions required flexibility, it was something that one would have to work on. In yoga you aren’t pushed to the limit like you are in our fast-paced society, rather you are told to preform everything to your own comfort zone, and that helps people who do yoga free their stress.As we would reach our arms up high, Kimbo would peacefully repeat, â€Å"You are a flower blossoming in the midst of a beautiful summer,† which kept everyon e happy and in the mind state of peace. As I mentioned before, positivity is key in yoga. These words that Kimbo kept repeating kept the positive energy flowing throughout the room. This kind of language is what gives yogis the strength to balance out their down sides in life. The heat in the room was getting higher and higher, and I wasn’t sure if my body could handle it.I plopped down on my mat to take a quick breather, ripped off my tank top, and joined the rest of the women in the class who were wearing only a sports bra and spandex shorts. The scorching heat made it clear to me why people weren’t wearing a lot of clothes in the beginning of the session, and it seemed to me as if sweating was the main goal of this class. I looked around the room and noticed that everyone else was also dripping sweat. There were times where I would look around the room and see people raising their arms for a position, and sweat would drip down from them just like a shower head drips water after you turn it off.Every time I would sit down on my mat to take a break and wipe off my sweat, Kimbo would look at me, smile, and say, â€Å"You’re doing great! † She was one of the greatest motivators I had ever met because she did it in such a peaceful manner. Though my face was beat red, my eyes were basically tearing from the heat, and I thought I was going to faint, her positive attitude is what kept me going and even though I wanted to bee-line straight out that of that door, she gave me the strength to stay and finish the session.It was finally 4:45 and though it had felt like I had been in that room for hours, it had only been for ninety minutes. Kimbo turned off the lights and told us to lay straight on our backs with our eyes closed. Two minutes later she left the room and said, â€Å"Namaste,† and everyone replied back in unison, â€Å"Namaste. † Unaware of what this word meant, I just decided to go along with it, but didn’t s ay anything. In an article titled â€Å"The Meaning of Namaste† Aadil Palkhivala writes about and explains the deeper meaning of the gesture Namaste.He let his readers know that, â€Å"Usually, it is done at the end of class because the mind is less active and the energy in the room is more peaceful. The teacher initiates Namaste as a symbol of gratitude and respect toward her students and her own teachers and in return invites the students to connect with their lineage, thereby allowing the truth to flow—the truth that we are all one when we live from the heart. † (Palkhivala) Basically, this gesture ends the session and creates the final connection of peace to the mind while the mind is fully relaxed.While everyone was still lying there, I immediately sprinted out of the room to grasp a breathe of any kind of air besides the air in that room. Never in my life has room temperature air felt so good, and I was able to breathe normally again. As I waited for Carol ine to come out of the room many people who had just left the session approached me, telling me that I did a great job for my first time and that I should definitely consider coming back because yoga is one of the best things that has ever happened to them.These people enjoy yoga because they are able to step away from their hectic lives, and go into a place where they can fully relax their minds and not think about anything that would be getting was one of the most challenging, yet relaxing and peaceful activities I have ever experienced. In my interview with Jamie I asked her what one could expect in a typical yoga class. She told me, â€Å"Expect to sweat, but mostly expect to doubt yourself during the session and to feel absolutely incredible once your done. (Jamie Mack, interview) It turned out that she was exactly correct. In a short period of time I was able to achieve inner peace and full relaxation by doing yoga and trying to connect my mind and body. All of the stress tha t I had when I woke up earlier that morning had quickly vanished as I felt like I was on top of the world. Homework usually brings me down and puts me under a great amount of stress, but the yoga class took that negativity away. At that point I was living stress free, just like a yogi.People who practice yoga live life to the fullest while not letting their negative stress get to their heads. Most people in this fast-paced modern world we live in would appreciate time to fully relax their minds and bodies that are constantly being pushed to exceed their limits, the only problem is they don’t know what the real meaning of relaxation is. Yogis understand the concept of relaxation and value it as they strive everyday to be free of stress to live life in harmony. Works Cited: Choudhury, Bikram.Bikram Yoga: The Guru behind Hot Yoga Shows the Way to Radiant Health and Personal Fulfillment. New York: Collins, 2007. Print. â€Å"Stress of Cell Phone Use Disturbs Sleep, Mood. † Stresshacker. Web. 09 May 2012. . â€Å"The Meaning of â€Å"Namaste†Ã¢â‚¬  The Meaning of Namaste. Web. 09 May 2012. . â€Å"Why Practice Yoga? † Why Practice Yoga? Web. 09 May 2012. .

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Government Agencies

a. Definition of the key term Special government agencies for international trade include the World Trade Organization (WTO), the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and the European Union (EU) just to name a few. Several countries created the WTO to monitor all the trade around the entire world while the NAFTA and the EU where created on more of a regional level for promoting trade in those areas. The U. S. Department of Commerce developed the International Trade Administration (ITA) in order to stimulate economic opportunities for U. S. usinesses and their employees (Satterlee, 2009). b. Summary In his article, Get-Tough Policy on Chinese Tires Falls Flat, John Bussey sheds some light on to the tariff that the U. S. enacted in 2009 on Chinese tire imports. The tariff was meant to limit the import of passenger and light-truck tires and help give a boost to manufacturers and job creation in the U. S. As many of the opponents of the tariff point out, it has not added any subs tantial amount of jobs in the industry but has instead lead to higher prices due to the price of the tariff being passed down to the consumer.In the first year the number of imports from China dropped nearly 35% but in reality it didn’t increase manufacturing here in the U. S. , instead the business moved to Indonesia, Thailand, and Mexico. One tire shop owner argues that prices have also increased for the U. S. made tire as well due to those manufacturers using the cover of the tariff to raise their prices across the board. c. Discussion The U. S. International Trade Commission agreed with the complaint against China that was filed by the United Steelworkers union and recommended the tariff.The ITC was created to help stimulate economic opportunities for U. S. businesses which I am sure that they felt they were doing when they enacted this tariff but it has not worked and needs to be carefully thought thru before any extension. The prices of the tires have increased and no s ubstantial amount of jobs has been added that can be tied back to the enactment of the tariff. The tires being imported from China were primarily lower-cost tires and U. S. manufacturers tend to focus more the higher-profit tires that don’t directly compete with the imports from China.Why try to block the trade of something that is not directly competing with the bulk of your business anyway? Some people are always going to want to buy cheaper things and blocking it does not make them want the more expensive thing. The consumer will look for something else similar in price and if you do not provide it in that price range they will find it somewhere else just as they did in Indonesia, Thailand, and Mexico. d. References Satterlee, B. (2009). Cross Border Commerce. Roanoke: Synergistics Inc. Bussey, J. 2012, January 20). Get-Tough Policy on Chinese Tires Falls Flat. Retrieved January 31, 2012, from The Wall Street Journal: http://online. wsj. com/article/SB100014240529702043014 04577171130489514146. html In His article, John Bussey discusses the tariff enacted by the U. S. International Trade Commission on the import of Chinese tires into the U. S. He helps us to understand the intention of the trade tariff, why it does not seem to be working and why the ITC has a big decision to make whether or not to extend it.

Monday, July 29, 2019

A critical evaluation of normative power EU Essay

A critical evaluation of normative power EU - Essay Example It is true that Francois Duchene (1972) developed theory, which terms the Europe as a civilian power. Indeed, Duchene deliberated that Europe’s most significant specialty was its promise to favour political and economic means in the place of military initiatives. (Duchene, 1972). Footing upon the Duchene’s theory, Manners presented the notion of Normative Power of Europe (NPE) as a structure of evaluation of the role of Europe in international order (Kugel, 2012). Along with the recognition of the EU as a civilian power, relying primarily on economic rather than military means, it is widely discussed as normative power which recognizes such norms and values as human rights, democracy, sustainable development (Gerrits, 2009). There is one important concept in EU’s normative power policy which is â€Å"milieu goals†. Realization of â€Å"milieu goals† of the EU which is the policy of expansion, neighborhood and numerous programs of partnership. At the same time, â€Å"milieu goals† are embodied at the global level within the international organizations, through the global ecological policy and various ethical initiatives (Tocci, 2008). It is demonstrated in the past and present studies about existence of special European foreign policy identity and special role of EU in the international relations. Nevertheless, one should admit that the EU’s normative power faces large number critics from many experts and researchers for inability to impact on global politics worldwide. On the other hand, one cannot deny that the EU seeks to apply normative policy towards not only Eastern European countries, but also towards North Africa and the Middle East states (Zielonka, 2013). This research essay will attempt to detail the evolution of the normative power of the EU, how it is being administered, the darker side of it and further

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Controls for Inflows Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Controls for Inflows - Essay Example I am proposing is that Apollo Shoes should consider examining the way the company operates and finding a way to cut back on the expenditures through the reduction of the packaging for their products, the cutback of their payroll, and cutback of frivolous expenses that do not really need to be made. Furthermore, Apollo Shoes needs to keep a close tab upon its inventory levels and the payroll. If these three components can be limited to a bare minimum that still enables Apollo Shoes to operate, then the company will be able to produce great profits. Sales affect the cash and the ways it is distributed throughout the company. Implementing sales control is tricky. The difficulty lies in making sure that the advertising budget does not spend more than Apollo Shoes is likely to bring in. Controlling sales requires three overall components: firstly, advertising has to be below the net sales of the shoes forecasted to sale that year; secondly, making sure that the store selling Apollo Shoes does not negatively influence the sales; and thirdly, knowledge of retail outlets clientele will help Apollo Shoes better sell the products. Inventory: Back stock will be needed to keep in the distribution centers to be ready to go out to the retail outlets when required. However, this needs to be kept at a minimum to cut back on the amount of cash. Demand: Know what the best selling products of Apollo Shoes are and keep more of those on the shelves than the others. Pushing the most popular products will allow Apollo Shoes to maximize its

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Agents and Representatives in Budgeting Process Research Proposal

Agents and Representatives in Budgeting Process - Research Proposal Example The role of agents in budgeting is of great significance and, hence, should not be overlooked. During the preparations of the annual budgets and reports from all the state organs, profit, and non-profit enterprises, all the stakeholders are represented via agents. The representing agents should be individuals with deep understanding of finance and knowledgeable in accounting. It is the participation of all the agents representing the relevant institutions in the budgetary process that is commonly referred to as departmental agency budgeting (Goodman and Clynch, 2004). This process entails four major stages, namely: i. Comprehensive Fiscal Policy Formulation Under this umbrella, the overarching institutional objectives are formulated and determined. It is these policies that regulates the decision making process regarding aggregate expenditure and revenue of the firm. ii. Preparation and Enactment of the Budget It is in this stage that the government decides on proportions of financia l allocation to be advanced to each agent, and also the government outlines the purpose for which the funds are allocated to a given agent. The guiding principles relating to these are set out clearly by the legislations enacted by the state. iii. Budgetary Execution This is the actual stage in budgeting. It involves carrying out the stipulated expenditure as developed in the budget plan. It is in this stage that contractual agreements are signed between the budgetary committee and the contractors (Goodman and Clynch, 2004). iv. Accounting, Auditing, and Reporting This being the final stage in budgeting, it is the post-ante process of preparing the accounting records regarding revenues and expenditures executed by the organization within a given fiscal period. These records must have been audited by both internal and hired external experts/auditors to ensure that they meet the international accounting and auditing standards. The final reports (audited reports) are then presented to the financers, government agencies, ministers, the public and the parliament. Objectives of Budgeting The following are the key objectives of budgeting: Sound Macro-Fiscal Result: This forms the backbone to aggregate fiscal policy objective in budgeting. To ensure fiscal sustainability, sound fiscal policies must be put in place to regulate financial operations and to ensure that organization short-term debts are paid when they fall due. This policy also acts as macro-stabilizer to the economy by regulating taxation policies during boom and recession. Appropriate Expenditure Prioritization: This policy advocates for effective allocation of resources to those projects that are deemed socially profitable. The corollary under this objective is to avoid misallocation of resources especially to least priority sectors of the economy, but instead to maximize on the social gains. Service Efficiency and Effectiveness: This implies that the state services delivery is made more efficient and e ffective in a manner that is socially justifiable and acceptable by all the stakeholders. 1. Budget Overview Taking an example of HIV/AIDS funding program, during the financial allocation process, all the departments involved must have their representative on board.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Labor Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Labor Economics - Essay Example James Watt had perfected the modern steam engine which became the foremost energy source and ushered the era of Industrial Revolution. The United States had declared its independence from England and thereafter became the epitome of industrialization. Eight hundred thirty seven years later, many postindustrial societies are transitioning to internationalized information societies that have brought about myriad changes and challenges which are the subjects and objects of the study of labor economics. 2. Discussion Labor economics is a social science that analyzes, makes inferences, and theorizes about organizations, institutions, and behavior of the markets for wage labor in industrializing, industrialized, or internationalized information economies. It seeks to understand the characteristics of suppliers of labor services, the demands of labor services, and the resulting pattern of wages, employment, and income (Wikipedia contributors). However, labor economics does not include it it s study the psychology or sociology of individual employment decisions, such as the emotional ill effects of unemployment or the social gain of wages and salaries or chosen type of work. Current market analyses usually do not take into consideration unpaid labor such as stay-at-home spouses who are raising children or caring for their elders although some recent studies have used the tools of labor economics to know the impact of nonworking spouses, children, and the elderly on household decision-making or on social topics such as marriage, fertility, discrimination, and crime in relation to the labor market. Because labor and the study of labor is of paramount importance and naturally linked to the wealth of a nation’s economy, it is essential that governments thoroughly analyze and investigate its many facets. Labor is the measure of human activity to produce goods or services defined in contrast with other factors of production like land and capital. Labor wages are remune ration for work completed per unit of time. In calculating labor by wages, hours, or efficiency, a business company can use these data in figuring the optimal work force and most favorable wages to maximize productivity and profitability. A government can also use this type of data to determine or curb unemployment and assess the impact of labor on a nation’s economy. A country’s labor force is the number of individuals age 16 and over (working age by law), who are employed, self-employed or actively seeking employment. The non-labor force are those individuals who are not seeking employment such as stay-at-home spouses, those who are pursuing education such as children, retirees, those who are institutionalized such as in prisons or psychiatric facilities, those in the military, and those doing civic service. The unemployment rate is the level of unemployment divided by the labor force. The employment rate is the number of people presently employed divided by the work ing age population. The labor market is quite similar to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Critical analysis essay on is othello a good man

Critical analysis on is othello a good man - Essay Example Othello is not an evil man, but that does not mean that he is perfect either. He is just a noble man in the unfortunate position of being sandwiched between good and evil. The good angel in this case is Desdemona and the evil angel is no one else but Iago. His inability to see through Iago’s treacherous schemes only makes him vulnerable to making the wrong choices, which he does. For a man who had early in the play confessed to so much live for his wife, he could have exercised better caution when dealing with the false accusations that were being leveled against her (39). It is not hard to see who the evil one is in this play, and it is definitely not Othello. He himself knows that he is not a bad person. He lays the blame on some evil entity that took over his good nature. Othello’s good nature is what makes him fall for all the lies that Iago feeds him. It seems that he trusts Iago more than he trusts his wife. This is the biggest mistake that Othello makes, and he ends up killing his wife. He realizes what he has done too late and he takes his own life. I think that what Othello does in a moment of blinded rage and misplaced pride should not be used to judge whether he is evil or good. When one considers what Othello has achieved in whole lifetime, it is easy to deduce that he truly is a good man. In fact, his good nature made him to be so remorseful about killing his wife, and that is why he decided to end his life as well. It is quite unfortunate that he had to go this far.

Answer dq 7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Answer dq 7 - Essay Example He built a relationship which was firm and tackled it enthusiastically. He set an example by personally adopting all possible traits to be a fruitful leader which motivated his followers and ultimately it is understood that if a company flourishes, workers flourishes. One of the main points is, a leader who has a charisma can understand the issues that would arise with his new plans, and therefore he remains ready to guide, help and accommodate his followers well. (Raelin 2003) explains that all leadership styles have something good to be adopted; therefore charismatic leadership can walk parallel to transformational leadership because charisma spreads over groups and transformational leadership supports it well. To attract followers, we studied well in our last discussions that currency exchange and implementation law of reciprocity can be good deal to make followers work accordingly. Different leadership styles are interlinked and therefore in my last article I wrote that theorists claimed that leadership is the most complicated phenomenon to be completely implemented. (Bascal and Associates) narrates that Charismatic leaders have an ability to communicate on strong emotional grounds and can convince, support and make followers understand the requirement of a desired plan, John F. Kennedy who is referred as a charismatic leader serves perfect example. He convinced people to remain strong and fight back for their rights during crucial time of Civil War. I agree with the point raised that setting charisma and vision into two different entities can simplify things to be understood. Vision is embedded in charisma and therefore a charismatic leader is able to convince people to understand his vision and work together to accomplish it, while remaining on a powerful emotional ground. Strong leadership is about executing the plans firmly and charisma makes it more fascinating

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

National Health Services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

National Health Services - Essay Example The researcher states that most of the services provided by National Health Services or NHS are free. It is funded by the money raised through taxes. The payments made under National Insurance are also utilized for the funding of its health services. In view of the recent budget cuts announced by the government, there will be an impact on taxation. This will lower the fund availability of the NHS as it is mainly dependent on taxation for discharging free health services. Therefore it is important that it identifies alternative sources of funding or it will face the problem of scarce resources in the future. NHS receives a significant chunk of the total budget allocated for the Department of Health. Out of the  £94 billion amount allocated for this Department the NHS received nearly  £92.5 billion in the year 2008-09. The Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) are the principal fund holders of NHS and they distribute funds to the system on a contract basis or at a tariff agreed upon. NHS appl ies charges on prescriptions of adults. Apart from this, they also charge money for dentistry and optician services. Most of the costs of the system are funded by taxes, implying that the contributions from UK taxpayers comprise most of its funding. NHS receives money from dentistry as well as optical services. The dentistry charges on examination at NHS as on April 2009 was  £16.50,  £45.60 for extraction or filling and  £198 was charged for other complex procedures.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Managing supportive learning environments Essay

Managing supportive learning environments - Essay Example Comments will not be made on the actual assignment. Retain a copy of your assignment for possible future reference. Marking Criteria There is no marking rubric for this assignment. The great variety of types of questions in this assignment precludes one standard set of marking criteria or rubric. However, where appropriate, the following criteria will be used to assess student responses: 1. The expectation is that for all questions you will demonstrate in your responses an insightful knowledge and understanding of information presented in the course. Most questions require you to integrate your overall course knowledge and insights into behaviour management and support to develop appropriate answers. 2. Only Part 2 questions lend themselves to demonstrated research (reading) beyond course readings and other course sources of information. A small number of highly pertinent references are much better than half a dozen or more, many of which have a dubious link to the topic. 3. Carefull y planned and concise responses that focus immediately and directly on the specific question or task and which remain within the word limit are essential. 4. How you express your responses are important. You may have the basis of a correct response, but if it is poorly communicated, marks will be deducted. 5. Markers will be looking for and will expect correct use of APA referencing. 6. Up to five marks may be deducted for incorrect referencing. In addition, up to five marks may be deducted for modifying or not adhering to the assignment template format. 7. Word length guidelines are provided throughout the assignment. In line with the university’s policy on assessment word length, students may exceed the total assignment word length by up to 10%. Marks may be deducted for assignments that go over the plus 10% guideline. Complete and submit your assignment using the Assignment Template. Complete all questions in both Part 1 and Part 2. PART 1 (No referencing required) Answer the questions in this part one of the assignment taking into account your specific sectors (Early Childhood, Primary, Secondary, and Vocational Education & Training). Support your answers utilising practical examples that are relevant to your sector. Question 1 (5 marks) Over the past two decades we have seen a gradual shift from ‘control’ to ‘management’ to ‘support’ in how behaviour management is viewed. Provide a concise explanation of what is meant by these three terms as they relate to the education context. Keep in mind that ‘control’ does not necessarily mean autocratic and punitive behaviour and that all three approaches to behaviour management still have a place in education. To supplement your concise explanations, provide a practical example for each, relevant to your sector. (Word length: 300 words) Provide your answer here Control is a type of power relations in the classroom when a teacher shows his ability to influen ce pupils or state of affairs. Contemporary control researchers (such as Slee) see this concept in a more complex way, without negative sense: it is a productive tool in the curriculum-oriented context instead of the context of disciplinary management. It is impossible to avoid control in language and daily practices, so the teacher’s aim should be to use its mechanisms properly and teach children self-regulation. In

Monday, July 22, 2019

Natural Disasters and Catastrophes Essay Example for Free

Natural Disasters and Catastrophes Essay From researching online databases of my city, I’ve found that we are focused on planning ahead for disasters such as hurricanes, or even different forms like terrorism for example. The city acknowledges this strategic planning needed, as well as building public awareness and the development of hazardous mitigation and emergency response plans. According to the mayor, these plans are at completion and ready for use when or if the time ever comes. It was also found that all of this preparedness has been keeping the city’s homeland security team completely busy for the past few years as the city stresses necessary training, new equipment and education and the growing development of the new Community Emergency Response Team. If you are to draw any evidence from these actions of my city, it is that the key stress is maximum preparedness and planning which isn’t a bad emphasis when you’re dealing with natural disasters. Agencies One agency in the city of West Haven in regards to emergency preparedness is the Medical Reserve Corps or MRC. They are actually sponsored by the office of the U.S. Surgeon General. As a community based volunteering network, they are organized to support the existing public health structure during emergencies and even non-emergency events. The responsibilities include managing natural disasters, illnesses, man-made emergencies and community health events. Member positions range from medical practitioners, nurses, mental health professionals as well as miscellaneous volunteering roles. Another agency with emergency preparedness in my city is the Community Emergency Response Team or CERT. On September 23, 2006 CERT was launched in West Haven with thirty two volunteers. The theory behind the development of CERT is actually quite obvious but some places might never put this into perspective sadly. In major emergencies it’s a fact that emergency services are overloaded instantaneously. With CERT created it gives ordinary civilians the training opportunity they need to be prepared in emergency circumstances. This opens up the opportunity for a more independent society  with less of a need to seek professional emergency officials help in a time of crisis. Every area in our world faces the threat of earthquakes and tornadoes and the most common disasters we face are severe storms and floods. Essentially CERT is needed everywhere whether people believe it or not, it’s just whether or not the location acknowledges this. Geography West Haven has a total of 11 square miles of which 0.2 square miles is water and the remainder of space is land. Containing 3.5 miles of publicly accessible beaches, West Haven is bound in the southwest by The Oyster River, northwest by the town of Orange, north by New Haven, northeast by The West River, to the east is New Haven Harbor and to the south there is Long Island Sound which is separated by a break wall. With so much water lining the city it is quite vulnerable to water hazards like flooding and property damage during the several storms or hurricanes we get over the years. I myself have seen lots of homes on the water cease to exist because of these hurricanes in the past few years. In addition to that, there has also been much sand erosion on our beaches within the past few years. Literally half of the distance from our road to the water that was covered with sand now lies there.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

How To Reduce Drug Trafficking In The US Criminology Essay

How To Reduce Drug Trafficking In The US Criminology Essay I would like to say that this paper shows the point of view of total drug ban supporters, provides a history of drug policies pursued by the United States, and puts forward arguments against the softer (less restrictive) policies, commonly referred to as legalization of drugs, while as a main argument against the last is considered negative global experience with such permitted by law psychoactive substances such as alcohol and tobacco. Also the paper was written with an aim to show how funds that are used to fight drug trafficking would be better used if we would channel the funds to preventive and rehabilitation programs which should alleviate the need for illegal drugs in the United States. In the end of the paper we conclude that only strong public policy, intended to reduce harm through the prevention of drug abuse can achieve successes. Recent trends in the U.S. policy towards the consumption of psychoactive substances are discussed in the context of the history of drug policy in the country. Restrictive policy in this area serves as a deterrent consumption of such substances, and helps reduce social problems and costs associated with them. Legalization or decriminalization of drugs could mitigate some of the legal consequences of their use, but the growth of their use would lead to harmful consequences. Recent discussions on how to achieve success in solving problems related to drug use in the U.S. are concentrated around the two opposing models of politics. Proponents of one of these concepts, generally known as the prohibition, support the expansion of measures to ban them, as well as implementation of curative and preventive programs. Proponents of the opposite point of view, defined as the legalization, insisting on the abolition of restrictive policies on drugs and psychotropic substances, at the same time seeking methods to reduce the harmful consequences associated with their non-medical use. Knowledge of the history of drug policy in the United States would consider the subject of debate and the positions of its members in a more complete and objective context. Lets discuss historical context of the problem that will help us to plunge into the problem of this paper with more details. Musto (1987) demonstrated that the history of modern politics, aimed at the prohibition of drugs, has its roots in the XIX century, when the pharmaceutical industry has begun to develop and produce powerful and addictive substances. One of them was heroin, which in the United States first went on sale in 1898. These substances are sold as the most common items, along with a popular new drink Coca-Cola, which was part of the cocaine. At that time, doctors freely gave to their patients prescriptions for drugs that cause addiction. So, a fairly large group of people with dependence on psychoactive substances designated for medical purposes, or drug addicts on the prescription was formed. Drugs such as cocaine, originally used for medical prescriptions were legal. Drug use quickly spread among the population, gaining compulsive character, accompanied by illegal act ivities in order to maintain a non-medical use and continuing despite the obvious negative health and social consequences. Dupont and Voth (1995) stated that this period of chaotic sale and use of addictive substances ended in the first two decades of the XX century, when a new social contract embodied in the Act on the Control of Food and Drug Administration was adopted in 1906. This Act provided compulsory indication of drugs composition. Harrison Drug Act banned the drugs trade was adopted somewhat later in 1914. Volstead Act, together with the Eighteenth amendment was added to the Constitution of the United States in 1919, banned the selling of alcohol. In the United States, these laws were part of a broader movement for reform, which also called for granting voting rights to women. In accordance with this new social contract addictive drugs became inaccessible, except cases when they were appointed by doctors, and even then they were used exclusively for the treatment of diseases which will not include a painful addiction to these substances. In 1933, an alcohol was excluded from the list of strictly controlled or banned substances. In 1937, marijuana was added to the list of banned substances because of the sudden increase in the number of its users. This epidemic of drug abuse started in the last decade of the XIX century with morphine and heroin and ended in the first decade of the twentieth century with a sharp rise in cocaine consumption. According to Horgan (1993), it is necessary to mention that Social Contract that restricts the use of psychoactive substances, has brought considerable benefits to the country, nearly putting an end to the epidemic of drug abuse. During the first two-thirds of the twentieth century, the U.S. laws on the control of drug trafficking provides a model for similar legislation in many countries. In the period from 1920 to 1965 in the United States sharply reduced addictive consumption of psychoactive substances, which at the end of the XIX century were used freely and uncontrollably. Analyzing historical facts we could say that solid and steady success of this policy against psychoactive substance abuse lulled our vigilance. Social and political figures in the United States have forgotten the tragic consequences of the widespread use of psychoactive substances. An old epidemic of drug abuse in the country left in the memory of the little amount of the U.S. citizens to 1960. The majority of American population knows about drug abuse tragedy except by hearsay. Strict prohibition of psychoactive substances, except alcohol, was widely recognized until drugs were not included in the range of the rising youth culture as one of the key elements of a new lifestyle. Marijuana, hallucinogens and cocaine received widely used definition of minimally addictive or light drugs. Exactly they focused on itself calls for legalization, which justify unsubstantiated allegations, that these drugs are no worse than alcohol and tobacco. Nowadays serious problems of the past (and present) time related both to the deteriorating health problems and the development of psychoactive substances addiction, which are a consequence of cocaine and marijuana use are known. Extensive data research on the harmful effects of many drugs substances indicate how society has been misled in the 1960s. These effects include: development of drug addiction, traffic injuries, illnesses, suicides, and adverse effects of psychoactive substances on the human organism. In the next part of this paper it is necessary to return to the contemporary reality and I would like to begin this section with Barack Obamas words quoting taking from his appeal to the Congress of the United States. According to 2010 National Strategy we know that the 2010 National Drug Control Strategy was developed by ONDCP with input from Federal, State, and local partners. It provides a collaborative and balanced approach that emphasizes community-based prevention, integration of evidence-based treatment into the healthcare system, innovations in the criminal justice system, and international partnerships to disrupt drug trafficking organizations. Basing on this fact Barack Obama said that: I am committed to restoring balance in our efforts to combat the drug problems that plague our communities. Drug use endangers the health and safety of every American, depletes financial and human resources, and deadens the spirit of many of our communities. While I am proud of the new direc tion described here, a well-crafted strategy is only as successful as its implementation. To succeed, we will need to rely on the hard work, dedication, and perseverance of every concerned American. Discussing the National Drug Control Strategy we see that it emphasizes cooperative and balanced approach with emphasis on preventive work in the region, the integration of evidence-based treatment in general health care system, innovations in the criminal justice system to break the cycle of addiction and crime, and creating international partnerships to stop the activities of transnational organizations involved in drug trafficking. The 2010 National Drug Control Strategy was developed on the base of public discussions and necessary documents in this area. Director of National Drug Control Policy has met with police and doctors, representatives of organizations involved in treatment of drug addicts and people recovering from treatment, elected officials and officers from correctional establishments, scholars and groups of parents, religious leaders and others. The consultation process identified a number of important topics that link the drug problem with the main political priorities of the administration, including the economy, healthcare reform, youth development, public safety, military, veterans issues and international relations. Adopted drug control strategy allows funds that are used to fight drug trafficking implement in directions of preventive and rehabilitation programs which should alleviate the need for illegal drugs in the United States. In acknowledgement of these words I would like to show real facts taken from the FY 2011 Budget Summary and according to it we see: The Presidents Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 National Drug Control Budget requests $15.5 billion to reduce drug use and its consequences in the United States. This represents an increase of $521.1 million (3.5 percent) over the FY 2010 enacted level of $15.0 billion. These resources are categorized around five major functions: (1) Substance Abuse Prevention, (2) Substance Abuse Treatment, (3) Domestic Law Enforcement, (4) Interdiction, and (5) International Support. The 2010 National Drug Control Strategy sets the five-year goal of reducing drug use and its consequences. This Strategy is going to: reduce drug use among youth by 15 percent; reduce drug use among young adults by 10 percent; reduce the number of chronic drug users by 15 percent; reduce mortality drug use by 15 percent, and reduce the incidence of driving under the influence of drugs at 10 percent. In addition, the strategy outlines three significant problems with drug addiction, which the administration will focus this year: the abuse of prescription drugs, driving under the influence of drugs and drug prevention. Abuse of prescription drugs in the U.S. is the fastest-growing narcotic problem, which in recent years has resulted in significant overdose. Driving under the influence of drugs poses a threat to public safety, as evidenced by a recent survey on the roads, found that every sixth driver in the evenings at the weekend gave a positive test result for drugs in the organism. Prevention of drug abuse before its appearance is the best way to protect Americas youth from drugs. In addressing each of these problems, the strategy provides scientifically based, evidence-and a combined approach. Elements of the new strategy also includes a concerted effort on how to make it possible to restore to every American who is suffering from drug addiction through an expanding network of community centers to combat drug addiction and develop new drugs and treatments confirmed this dependence. Further support of work of law enforcement authorities, criminal justice system, suppression of drug trafficking and drug production in the country, work with partners on reduction of the global drug trade, and innovative public programs, such as the courts about the drugs, play a major role in reduction of drugs consumption and its consequences in America. Thus, taking into account above discussed information it is possible to conclude that the ongoing drug policy reduces the level of their consumption and makes its consequences less severe. On my opinion, the United States chose the right way for healthy nation and basing on fact that harm reduction is a pragmatic approach to minimize the harmful consequences for the individual and the community associated with drug use, it is understandable that countrys policy and adopted National Drug Control Strategy is also the right direction of development. For the end of the paper I would like to say that I strongly believe in the efficiency of discussed policy and it will lead our nation to success and prosperity.

An Analysis Of The World Film Industry Economics Essay

An Analysis Of The World Film Industry Economics Essay In this research project, the target audience should to be the people working in the film industry. The results might be better validated through consultation with his target group, however, obtaining this data, e.g. via a survey, is problematic, as it is hard to predict the return rates. For this reason, this primary research could not be done. Nevertheless, secondary research will be adapted in this project, and this chapter will still contain the data from some scholars in order to provide some evidence in answer to the research question. It will also contain some data and results from EcoWin. EcoWin is a web-based database that collates a wide variety of financial and economic time series from over 100 different countries. Moreover, the economic concepts used in this project will be the multiplier effects. This is because the multiplier effect is a method by which job opportunities and wealth are created by attracting new industry to an area. It is used to explain the relationships between an industry and the related creation of wealth in the area. It could increase the amount of industries in the area, which would create more jobs and hence wealth and the overall image of an area. 3.1 The Multiplier Effect The multiplier effect can be seen in most industries, and can illustrate the improvement and development of an industry. The multiplier will meet its greatest impact where idle resources exist. The following model (diagram 1) is an example of this theory. It shows how the film industry could affect the economy. Although the film industry has been established in a particular country, it will need to decide whether the film will shoot locally or overseas. Each step will lead to different consequences. For instance, where the film industry decides to shoot a film overseas, it may induce jobs to that country, which will help the country to improve their technology and cultural. Furthermore, this will help them to attract more companies from overseas to invest in their country. This may successfully raise some of the countrys GDP. As seen in Appendix 1, information from the UK council, it was stated that the multiplier effect had helped the UK gain  £425 million in tax revenue and had c ontributed  £1.6 billion to their GDP per year. This shows the significance of the multiplier effect to the economy. Diagram 1 Example of the Multiplier Effect in the Film Industry. Chapter 4. Data Analysis and Results The factors that might affect the economy are categorised as employment, tourism, technology and culture. Taking a film festival or shooting a film as an example, we can compare the unemployment rate during the hosting of the festival and during any other time. This is because the employment rate might only affect the countrys economy within a short period of time. In addition, the tourism, culture and technology elements spillover to the film industry might also affect the local or national economy. India, Korea and Hong Kong are all examples of developing countries that are showing good performance in their film industry. This chapter will compare the results from selected developing countries (India, Hong-Kong) and developed countries (UK, US), to see if there are any similarities and differences between them and why. This chapter will also try to investigate only one film Blood Diamond, released at the end of 2006, because the ranges of the film industry are too big. This film was produced in America but shot in South Africa, so it is a good example for this project to investigate. Furthermore, we will compare the tourism rate before and after the release of the film to see whether there were any affects to the economy. It might be easy for people to find out whether are there any relationship between film industry and the economy. Also, by finding some data of labour income and referring to the multiplier effect (diagram 1), we will draw a timeline of the film industry to see the threshold and investigate and analyse all the process the between developed and developing countries. The result may able to show whether the development of a film industry will help to increase the LDCs economy. 4.1 Developing countries (Hong Kong India) VS Developed Country (US) To find out whether the film industry could help and improve the LDCs economy, we will compare the growth of the film industry in developing countries and a developed country. 4.1.1Hong-Kong India Hong-Kong and India are both developing countries that are performing well in their film industries. Hong-Kongs film production reached its highest levels during the 50s and 60s. However, after the world war, the education of the new generations became more Occidentalising; one of the reasons for this is because traditional Hong-Kong films were not able to meet the audiences taste. Bringing in US films, also bring in their culture and technology. For example, the performed of the new 3D technology from the US in 2009, it had helped to increase the revenue for Hong Kongs film industry. From a report of US Commercial Service (2010), said that the new 3D technology has helped grow Hong-Kongs box office, it had gain US$151.9 million in 2009 which had grown 6.5 percent from 2008. It shows the affect of the USs film industry to the Hong-Kong economy. Moreover, from the Financial Express (2002), it had stated that the India film industry could contribute around RS 50000 crore to their GDP. Bhushan (2010) had also stated that the film industry had contributed $1.5 billion to the Indian economy from 2008-2009. The Website (2008) has stated that filmmaking in India may be the best among all developing countries because other countries are more sophisticated in their technologies. Moreover, it also provided evidence  [1]  that the development of the film industry will support the economy. 4.1.2 US UK Nowadays, the US film industry could be considered the most successful, as it has produced such a high number of famous films. Also, the US film industry might have a higher budget for shooting films, because their financial resources are much more abundant compared to others. However, the US film industry was not like this at the beginning, and has undergone a number of development processes. The following shows the impact from film industry to UKs GDP in 2009; it had reinforced the fact that the film industry could affect the economy. Table 1 Summery of Economic contribution of UK film industry 2009. (Source: Oxford Economics) 4.3 Tourism: The inducement of tourism is one of the important factors that the government should pay attention to. Tourism might increase in other countries because of the publics attraction to the films or stars; it will create an incentive for the local economy. For example, the rise of tourism will also cause a rise in production, which may in turn raise the local economy. 4.3.1 South Africa Many scholars have agreed that the film industry might affect the economy by drawing in tourists attracted by the film. Figure 1 shows the total arrivals and departures of foreigners in South Africa. Both the arrivals and departures rates are increasing each year, showing successful development. In early 1986, both rates increased at a slow tempo until 1990, after which they both had a sharp increase. During 1995 and 1997, both rates are growing unstably, showing slight fluctuation. Mongabay (2009) stated that Africas economy had been shaped over many centuries, and started getting better in 1994 because of their new government policies, which also improved the health of their economy and saw a growth in their GDP  [2]  . Figure 1 South Africa: Total Arrivals/Departures of Foreigners. (Source: EcoWin) 4.3.2 America: 4.4 Labor Market: Employment/Unemployment The employment rate might only be significant in the developed world, with no reverent correlation in the third world. Refer to the Multiplier effect (Diagram 2), the exits of film industry will provide jobs for the local, and will induced jobs overseas in short run. The example of a US film Blood Diamond shows that, although the film industry will induce jobs to South Africa this will only apply while the film is shooting. This only shows a small effect on the local economy, unlike the countries that have built their own film studios, like the US, and who will be available to provide long-term employment opportunities. Figure 2 US: Full/Part time/Total Employment. (Source: EcoWin) It is important to note that the national employment rate is not affected by the film industry; however, it will affect the local employment rate temporarily. This is because the employment rate will only be affected while the film is shooting, unless the country builds a film studio in order to apply long-term employment. In other words, the film industry will only have a certain amount of effect in the national labor market. 4.4.1: South Africa: As the film industry may bring in some job opportunities for local people, Figure 5 shows the comparison of total employment and unemployment from 2001 to 2009, while Figure 6 shows the unemployment rate in South Africa. Table 3 in Appendix 3 shows that while the unemployment rate in South Africa in 2006 is at its lowest, the employment also starts to rise. Figure 3 South Africa: Total Employment/Unemployment. (Source: EcoWin) Figure 4 South Africa: Unemployment Rate. (Source: EcoWin) The film industry will be able to affect the employment rate locally in the short run; however, it will be impacting the income rate of the local people in the longer term. As Figure 7 shows below, the income rate is increasing each year; it started to grow faster in 1985, and rose sharply from 2000 to 2006. Relate this to Table 5 in Appendix 3, the income in 2004 is 141167, 156270 in 2005, rising to 193678.5 in 2006. It had increased by 37408.5 from 2005 to 2006, a sharp rise. Part of the reason for this might be that the film Blood Diamond was shooting during this period. It affected the local income gradually. Figure 5 South Africa: Labour Income. (Source: EcoWin) 4.5 Cultural; Culture will show the characteristic of a country and could represent a country in some cases. In the film industry, each country will have different interests in the type of film they produce. For instance, Indian movies will be more likely to contain song and dance but in the US they prefer more a more hi-tech approach. As the song and dance in the movie are already become a feature to Indian film, this is why people had called the Hindi cinema as Bollywood  [3]  . Nowadays, people will recognise Bollywood as producing Indian films and Hollywood as producing American films; this could show the affect of culture. Sometime, the living habits of a country will be reflected in the movie. 4.6 Technology: The improvement of technology will affect the production of the economy and will have the power to affect the national economy as well. Where filmmakers shoot films in other countries, they might bring in some new technology. Or technology will be improved through communicating and competing with other countries. For example Avatar  [4]   in 3D was a novelty to many people around the world and attracted a wide audience, which resulted in high box office profits. US Commercial Service (2010), it has stated that gross revenue of Hong Kongs film industry is expected to expand in the coming years because of the opening of new multiplexes and 3D cinemas, and strong government support If this film had been released in some LDCs, it would have created an awareness and interest of some new technologies amongst the locals, who may not have seen this kind of high technique film before. It would enable let the LDCs to gain knowledge and information by the inducement of technology, or they may decide to use the same techniques used in the film in their own productions. Furthermore, the exchange of technologies between countries will cause a technology spillover. 4.7 Government Policy: Tax With regards to a government helping the film industry through tax relief, Wallack (2008) quoted a report by Massachusetts Film Office showing that when Walt Disney Pictures spent $50 million filming in Massachusetts in 2006, the company received nearly $10 million in credits from the state. The action of the government can affect the growth of the film industry, as shown in the example of tax relief. Moreover, it will be able to encourage local production. The American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 included, amongst a myriad of other business tax breaks, a measure to benefit small movie production by allowing full write-off of production costs up to US$15m, at a presumed cost of US$336m. On the other hand, in the early 70s there were loopholes in the US tax system, which caused shooting to exceed budget, which had a negative effect on the economy. Chapter 5. Conclusion Production, consumption and distribution are important in the film industry; these may affect the profits that the country may earn. For instance, if a countrys production levels are high, it may increase their employment rates and distribution and may raise the reputation of the country, which might then increase investment from other countries. Every country will have to face developmental stages, which shows the improvement of each sector in the country. Take the film industry as an example: not every country had cinemas from the very beginning but each started to develop as time went on. The development of the film industry might affect the economy because as people had more social time than working time in the past, they would tend to spend their time watching shows or performances. The increase of globalisation has made the film industry an international commodity. The success of the film industry in Hollywood has always been an objective for most of the countries. However, Rod (1998) argued that there is evidence that the US is losing the comparative advantage in the international media market. This is because of the rise in competition; nowadays most countries have their own productions in the film industry. But most of the film industries in the world were impacted by American filmmaking because it used the highest technology in this field during the films Golden Age . 5.1 Implications of the Study: The purpose of this study was to find out whether the film industry could affect a local economy. If it is a successful pathway, this sector could alert LDC governments to pay more attention to this. 5.2 Limitations of the Research: Not many scholars are focusing on the development of the film industry in a country. There is little data on this, therefore, which will impact the accuracy of this project. Moreover, problems relating to the primary research survey might affect the final result. 5.3 Recommendations for Further Research: The film industry might be one of the sectors that the government should try to pay attention to. While it may not result in large increases to an economy, there are still benefits to be gained. Because of the word limit that applies to this project, it is not possible to cover in detail every question relating to this topic. Further research should firstly focus on whether the film could impact the income in developed countries, if yes, it may be a useful resource for LDCs. Secondly, is the level of development is important in determining, if film is going to affect the national consciousness. In addition, investigation should be made into the measures that could be uses to answer the questions of impact.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Mark Antony :: essays research papers

Mark Antony is one of the most famous people of Roman history. He was one of the most superior generals and a crucial statesman in his time. A comrade and patron of Julius Caesar, Antony was an ideal military tactician and leader of the people. He was a man who started out for the people but eventually became hungry for power and empire expansion. Mark Antony was a military and political leader in Caesar's time who rose to the highest of Roman power but eventually lost everything due to his greed. Marcus Antonius was born in 83 BC, the son of a noble Roman family, related to the Roman leader Julius Caesar. His father died when he was young and soon after his mother remarried P.Lentulus. Lentulus found him self in trouble and was strangled by Cicero for his involvement in the Catiline Affair. This changed Antony’s early life severely and he promised one day he would meet up with Cicero and kill him. Mark Antony’s military career started when he was young. His first travels were to Syria where he was soon promoted to a Calvary Commander, and sent off to Judea and Egypt. Antony was later sent to Gaul where he served under Caesar. He was so superior to his peers that at the age of 22 he became Tribune of the People. Soon Antony became a quaestor with a reputation of being a speaker on behalf of Caesar’s interests while he was no there. It was during this period in Rome where Antony met Fulvia. Fulvia also had a hate for Cicero from her last marriage. They soon were married and Antony was making his way higher in the Roman world. In 49BC, he received the title of Augur (priest and soothsayer). It was during this same year that he vetoed the Senates attempt to take Caesar’s command. Antony left Rome and traveled to Gaul until things cooled down where he went back to watch over Caesar’s interests. Caesar soon became enemies against Pompey, Antony tried to defend Caesar and was kicked out of the senate. Antony soon fled with Caesar to get ready for battle. Antony commanded a wing of Caesar’s Legions at the battle of Pharsalus in 48 BC where Pompey was defeated. Following the battle in 44 BC, Antony became co-consul with Caesar. When Caesar was assassinated on the Ides of March, 44 BC, Antony immediately took all of Caesar’s possessions including papers, residences, and other assets.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Constitutional Democracy Essay -- essays research papers

Constitutional Democracy The basic premise of a constitutional democracy is that government has rules and all of the people have voices. Through free and fair elections we elect candidates to represent us. The Constitution of the United States guarantees us the right to do this, and to live democratically. The framers attacked tyrannical government and advanced the following ideas: that government comes from below, not from above, and that it derives its powers from the consent of the governed; that men have certain natural, inalienable rights; that it is wise and feasible to distribute and balance powers within government, giving local powers to local governments, and general powers to the national government; that men are born equal and should be treated as equal before the law. The framers of the U. S. Constitution sought to make these ideas the governing principles of a nation. Constitutional democracy has three basic elements. Those being interacting values, interrelated political processes and interdependent political structures. The first idea of interacting values is popular consent. Popular consent means that government must obtain consent for its actions from the people it governs. It is similar to majority rule, a political process, in that the most popular acts or ideas of the people will be adopted by our government. There must be an allowance or willingness on behalf of the unpopular group to lose. Popular consent may provide a means for judging parental consent laws for minors seeking abortion. Since minors are not legally allowed to be competent to engage in sex, to enter into contracts, or to form sufficient "informed consent" to agree to their own medical treatment, it is incredible that they would be regarded as competent to make a life and death decision about something that later in life they might themselves regard as a real person, with individual rights Drawing on several major contributions of the enlightenment, including the political theory of John Locke and the economic ideas of Adam Smith, individualism posts the individual human being as the basic unit out of which all larger social groups are constructed and grants priority to his or her rights and interests over those of the state or social group... powers of the president likewise were proscribed in a number of places by designated responsibilities. The judicial power was to be wielded by judges. Explicit jurisdiction of the courts was subject to congressional definition. Checks and balances are the constitutional controls whereby separate branches of government have limiting powers over each other so that no branch will become supreme. Perhaps the best known system of checks and balances operates in the U.S. government under provisions of the federal constitution. The operation of checks and balances in the federal government is spelled out in the Constitution. The Constitution of the United States has afforded us many rights. At times, those rights are in contention. At others, we would be in anarchy without them. Constitutional democracy is a beautiful thing. Although we may not all have the same amount of wealth, we have the liberty to. We have the right to be heard. And how is this right anymore exemplified than voting? Our representatives will do what we want, and if they don't give us a couple of years and we'll find someone else who will promise to. AMEN.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A Comparison Between Desirees Baby & Stench Of Kerosene Essay -- Engli

A Comparison Between Desirees Baby & Stench Of Kerosene 'Stench Of Kerosene' was written by Amrita Pritam approximately fifty years ago. This emotional short story mainly revolves around the relationships between a woman, her husband and his mother. Another important theme is the significance of cultures and traditions in the protagonists' lives. The main characters are Manak and Guleri, who are husband and wife. Guleri and Manak are a loving couple who live with Manak's mother in a small village in India. Guleri cannot give birth and her mother-in-law desperately wants a grandchild. Once a year, during a special festival, Guleri visits her parents in a nearby village. This year, Manak halfheartedly tries to persuade his wife not to go. Adamant, Guleri pays no heed to her husband's baseless wish, and goes to visit her parents regardless. Upon her departure, Manak's evil mother decides to bring an end her grandchild-less status, and immediately purchases a wife for Manak, in the hope that this new bride could have the baby Guleri could not. When news of her husband's betrayal reaches Guleri, she commits suicide by dousing herself with kerosene, and consequently setting herself alight. 'Desirees Baby,' by Kate Chopin, amongst other themes, also explores the theme of relationships. Desiree, the female protagonist, is an orphan who was found at the front of the Valmonde home, lying asleep in the shadows of a big stone pillar. Madame Valmonde, the owner of the large house cannot have children; hence welcoming the child and treating her as her own. When Desiree grows up, she marries a man from a prestigious family. After a period of marital bliss, they both have a child whom they immensely love.... ...they do not obviously state what was wrong with the women. Desiree is made out to be so sweet and loving - her beauty helping to draw the readers into sympathy for her. It is not blatantly stated that it was stupid of her to commit suicide. Likewise, Guleri should really have had trust in her husband, and listened to what he told her instead of proudly ignoring his pleas. This shows that although their relationship outwardly shows happiness, there were some serious problems that occurred beneath the surface. Hence, I conclude that in 'Desiree's Baby," Armand was wrong to have so much pride, but Desiree's weak character spurned her awful fate. In 'Stench of Kerosine,' Manak was weak and stupid, but the consequences of his marrying again could have been avoided if Guleri trusted her husband. It is simply too easy to blame the men entirely for what happened.

Autobiography: Family and Blake Austin Summers

My name is Blake Austin Summers. I am 14 years old and in the 9th grade and go to Wayne School of Engineering. I have brown eyes with short hair. I am white and half Asian. I have a family of four, mom, dad, brother, sister, and also have two pets. My birthday is on Septet 5, 1998. I was born and raised in North Carolina in a town named Goldberg. I used to live on Seymour Johnson Air force Base. my dad retired we had to move. I currently live in a two story house, and have been there since 2005. I have been to many places in the United States before. I have a lot of relatives from both sides of my parent's. They all live in different states. My favorite color is blue and my favorite type of food is Italian. I have two best friends named Vive and Katie. The things I like to do on my free time is listen to music, hang with my friends, go outside to walk, and get on my computer.I am currently in karate as a black belt in two styles. I am really good with computers and most technology. The school I'm going to offers better academics and I plan on achieving my goals there. Those goals are to graduate with a high diploma and associated degree, which will help me and have me a step forward. When I become older I want to be a psychologist because I love to help people with their problems.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Beyond mass media

cud media argon inherently incompatible with a participatory society because of their throng character, non just because of g everyplacenment filchtrol or corporate influence. Mass media should be woebegone and replaced by participatory media organised as nets, such as telephone and data processor networks. Los medios de comunicacion word of honor inherentemente incompatibles pick up una sociedad participativa, debido a su caracter de masas, no solo por el abstracttrol del gobierno o de la influencia corporativa. Los medios de comunicacion deben ser abandonados y sustituidos por los medios participativos organizados en redes, como el telefono y las redes informaticas.Complaints about the mountain media atomic moment 18 commonplace. To begin, there is the low quality of legion(predicate) of the programmes and articles. There is the regular portrayal of violence, attached an attention out of proportion with its frequence in everyday life. More generally, close of t he gage media give frequently to a enceinteer extent attention to bad newscrime, deaths, disasters, wars, etcetera than to positive sides of the human condition. The spile media frequently create unrealistic fears about criminals, foreign messs and the like. Las denuncias de los medios de comunicacion give-and-take comunes. Para empezar, esta la baja calidad de muchos de los programas y articulos.No es la representacion ordinaria de la violencia, dada una atencion desproporcionada en relacion con su frecuencia en la vida cotidiana. -Mas en general, la city manageria de los medios de comunicacion dan mucha mas atencion a las malas noticias la delincuencia, muertes, desastres, guerras, etc que a los aspectos positivos de la condicion humana. -Los medios de comunicacion con frecuencia crean te muchs poco realistas sobre los criminales, los pueblos extranjeros y similares. News a good deal is more like entertainment than information or education. -News reports, oddly on television, are typically given WITHOUT much everyplacet context. The a la mode(p) events are described, but not what direct up to them or caused them. The prove is that consumers of the media go through with(predicate) a lot of facts but frequently dont understand how they fit together. Context is the result of the assumptions behind the facts, and this context is all the more powerful because it is neither stated nor commented upon.Noticias, a menudo es mas como entretenimiento que la informacion o la educacion. -Los informes de prensa, sobre todo en la television, se suelen dar sinning mucho contexto manifiesta. -Los ultimos acontecimientos se describen, pero no lo levaron a ellos o les causo. El resultado es que los consumidores de los medios de comunicacion aprenden mucho de los hechos, pero con frecuencia no entienden como encajan entre si. Contexto es el resultado de los supuestos detras de los hechos, y este contexto es aun mas potente, ya que no es ni afirmo ni coment ado. Even the facts that are presented are often wrong or misleading. Powerful groups, oddly governments and broad corporations, shape the news in a range of ways offering adit to stories in exchange for easy coverage, spreading disinformation, and threatening reprisals.Incluso los hechos que se presentan discussion a menudo erroneas o enganosas. Los grupos poderosos, e supernumerarymente los gobiernos y las nandes corporaciones, forma la noticia en una gama de formas que ofrece acceso a las historias a cambio de una cobertura favorable, desinformar, y las represalias mortales. This argument suggests that reform of the media, although useful, should not be the goal. Instead, the aim should be to replace mint media by communication systems which are much more participatory. Este argumento sugiere que la reforma de los medios de comunicacion, aunque util, no debe ser la meta.En cambio, el objetivo debe ser la sustitucion de los medios de comunicacion mediante sistemas de co municacion, que parole mucho mas participativo. Replace undemocratic media structure reemplazar las estructuras de comunicacion democraticos.. The frequent approaches Private mass media are often justified as being a vital part of the tradeplace of ideas. exclusively, as a way of promoting truth, this so-called market is largely a myth, serving chiefly the interests of elites. Los medios de comunicacion privados a menudo se justifican como una parte vital del mercado de las ideas. Pero, como una forma de promover la verdad, este llamado mercado es en naandmany knot parte un mito, que sirve principalmente a los intereses de las elites. ARGUMENTS AGAINST THE MASS MEDIA (1) Emergencies. The mass media, especially wireless and television, can come in clever in emergencies messages can be broadcast, grasp a large fraction of the macrocosm. Emergencias. Los medios de comunicacion, especialmente la intercommunicate y la television, puede ser util en situaciones de emergencia los mensajes pueden ser transmitidos, alcanzando una gran parte de la poblacion.AGAINSTBut the mass media are not really needed for apprehension purposes. Fire alarms, for example, do not rely on conventional media. Furthermore, network media, including telephone and computer networks, can be set up to allow emergency communications. Pero los medios de comunicacion no countersign realmente necesarios space-reflection symmetry casos de emergencia. Las alarmas de incendio, por ejemplo, no confian en los medios de comunicacion convencionales. Por otra parte, los medios de comunicacion de red, incluyendo telefonia y redes informaticas, se pueden configurar check bit permitir las comunicaciones de emergencia.Actually, the mass media are a great vulnerability in certain emergencies armament coups. Because they allow a few citizenry to communicate to a large population with little possibility of dialogue, television and radio stations are commonly the root targets in military takeov ers. Censorship of newspapers is a next step. This connection between coups and mass media also highlights the role of mass media in authoritarian regimes. En realidad, los medios de comunicacion son una gran vulnerabilidad en ciertas situaciones de emergencia los golpes militares.Porque permiten que algunas personas se comunican a una gran poblacion con poca posibilidad de dialogo, la television y la radio son normalmente los primeros blancos en golpes militares. La censura de prensa es el siguiente paso. Esta conexion entre los golpes de Estado y medios de comunicacion tambien pone de relieve el papel de los medios de comunicacion en los regimenes autoritarios. AGAINST-Military strength is no defence against a military coup, and indeed may be the cause of one. To resist a coup, network communications are far schoolmaster to mass media (Schweik Action, 1992).So, from the point of view of preparing for emergencies, mass media are bad investments. La fuerza militar no es una defensa contra un golpe de estado militar, y de hecho puede ser la display case de una. Para resistir un golpe de Estado, las comunicaciones de red son muy superiores a los medios de comunicacion (Schweik Accion, 1992). Por lo tanto, desde el punto de vista de la preparacion para casos de emergencia, los medios de comunicacion son malas inversiones. (2) Media talents. The mass media allow numerous people to enjoy and learn from the efforts of close to very keen people actors, musicians, athletes, journalists and commentators.True. But just as many people can enjoy and learn from these talented people without the mass media, for example through speech sound and video recordings. 2) el talento Media. Los medios de comunicacion permiten que muchas personas puedan disfrutar y aprender de los esfuerzos de algunas personas muy talentosas actores, musicos, atletas, periodistas y comentaristas. Verdadero. Pero al igual que muchas personas puedan disfrutar y aprender de estas personas con tal ento y sin los medios de comunicacion, por ejemplo a traves de grabaciones de audio y video.AGAINST-Furthermore, the mass media suppress access to all but a few performers and contributors. Those who are left out accommodate a much better pretend of reaching a sympathetic hearing via network media. Por otra parte, los medios de comunicacion suprimir el acceso a casi todos los artistas y colaboradores. Los que se quedan fuera tienen una mejor oportunidad de llegar a un publico mas simpatico a traves de los medios de comunicacion de la red. Richard Schickel (1985) points out that the celebrity is a twentieth-century phenomenon, created especially by movies and television.He describes a civilisation of celebrity, in which people strive to be well known, even if this is only because they let appeared on the screen. The culture of celebrity, he argues, is undermining many traditional practices. For example, politicians are sold on the media in terms of image preferably than policie s. Richard Schickel (1985) senala que la celebridad es un fenomeno del siglo XX, creado especialmente por el cine y la television. El describe la cultura de la celebridad, en la que las personas se esfuerzan por ser bien conocido, aunque esto es solo porque han aparecido en la pantalla.La cultura de la celebridad, sostiene, esta socavando muchas de las practicas tradicionales. Por ejemplo, los politicos se venden en los medios de comunicacion en terminos de imagen, mas que politicas. (3)Large resources. The mass media command big resources, both financial and symbolic. This makes it possible for them to pursue large or expensive projects large-budget films, special investigative teams, in-depth coverage of key events. 3) los recursos grandes. Los enormes recursos de los medios de comunicacion de masas de comando, tanto economicos como simbolicos.Esto hace que sea posible para ellos para perseguir grandes o costosos proyectos peliculas de gran presupuesto, equipos especiales de in vestigacion, la cobertura en profundidad de los principales acontecimientos. AGAINST-Actually, large-scale projects are also possible with network systems. They patently require cooperation and collaboration. For example, some public reality software (free computer programmes) is quite cultivate and has been produced with the help of many people. In modify systems, far-reaching decisions can be made by just a few people. In decentralised systems, greater participation is required.En realidad, los proyectos a gran escala tambien son posibles con los sistemas de la red. Simplemente se requiere de la cooperacion y la colaboracion. Por ejemplo, algunos programas de dominio publico (programas informaticos gratuitos) es bastante sofisticado y ha sido elaborado con la ayuda de muchas personas. En los sistemas centralizados, decisiones de gran alcance se pueden hacer unas pocas personas. En los sistemas descentralizados, se requiere una mayor participacion. These four possible arguments for retaining mass media, in some reformed and improved form, very turn out to be arguments against mass media. ABSTRACT AGAINST The mass media are not necessary for emergencies and are actually a key vulnerability to those who would take over a society. -The mass media are not necessary to enjoy and benefit from the talent of others, and they foster an unhealthy emphasis on image. -Finally, although the mass media can undertake large projects, such projects can also climb up through network media, but in a way involving participation or else than central direction. Estos cuatro argumentos posibles para retener los medios de comunicacion, de una forma reformada y mejorada, en realidad resultan ser argumentos en contra de los medios de comunicacion.RESUMEN EN CONTRA Los medios de comunicacion no son necesarios en caso de emergencia y en realidad son una vulnerabilidad clave a los que se haria cargo de una sociedad. -Los medios de comunicacion no son necesarios para disfrutar y aprovechar el talento de los demas, y fomentar un enfasis enfermizo en la imagen. -Por ultimo, aunque los medios de comunicacion pueden llevar a cabo grandes proyectos, estos proyectos tambien pueden desarrollarse a traves de los medios de comunicacion de la red, pero de una manera que implica la participacion en lugar de la direccion central. PARTICIPATORY MEDIAAGAINSTMass media are inherently corrupting. A small number of owners and editors exercise great power over what is communicated to large numbers of people. -Mass media should be replaced by participatory media organised as networks, such as telephone and computer networks. Los medios de comunicacion son inherentemente corrompiendo. Un pequeno numero de propietarios y editores ejercen un gran poder sobre lo que se comunica a un gran numero de personas. Los medios de comunicacion deben ser sustituidos por medios participativos organizados en redes, como el telefono y las redes informaticas.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

The introduction is the starting point of your dissertation. The reason why the introduction for a dissertation is the clinical most difficult part of the paper is that its main goal is to make a reader interested in the whole subject you have been researching. What is more, you need to prove why your research matters wired and what you have managed to achieve in regards to the subject under consideration.Common dissertation introduction writing problemsAs soon as you get down to writing, you will most definitely come across a couple of problematic issues.Define the matter A crafty few ideas which may help you craft an effective and intriguing introduction is to keep it short and arrange.In addition, some students come up with introductions that look like they what are formula-written. Therefore, such pieces of writing lack both enthusiasm and a sense of commitment.Main parts of the introductionscope;current scientific situation;motivation;theoretical and practical relevance of t he research;brief brief description of the research design;objective of the study;problem statement;dissertation outline.You need to begin with stating the motive for your research.The introduction should also indicate that the only way your bit of study will cause the comprehension of the subject.

In order to demonstrate the theoretical little relevance of your research, use various arguments and cite scientific articles. Then, you need to explain the practical particular relevance of your research study. Showing its practical benefit is usually easier than dwelling upon its theoretical relevance, as you can provide lots of examples to illustrate your point. Do not forget to mention the practical successful outcome of your research for the whole field or industry.An introduction is merely among the elements of a dissertation.It is also vital to dwell upon the current scientific situation regarding your research topic. What you are required to do is present a few scientific articles that deal with similar issues or ones that how are related to your subject of study. Briefly explain the gist and the main message of those articles. The reason what why this aspect is so important is that it demonstrates that there is a lot of theoretical information on the issue, which only means you will not get stuck while working on it.Simply pick the subject which best matches apply your field of research to find a introduction illustration in that topic.

Try to summarize the gist of each chapter in one sentence. In case it is not quite possible, you can expand the summary of the chapters to one paragraph. Keep in mind that the brief outline should not be repetitively phrased. Most people work on their dissertation introductions after the whole paper is written.Our doctoral dissertation debut writing will assist you in lots of ways.Make sure you write to the point. Do not repeat yourself. Present useful information to the reader. Here is a checklist of points check your dissertation introduction should consist of:the research topic is limited;the practical relevance is explained;the topic is stimulating;current scientific situation in the field is demonstrated;the objective is stated;the serious problem statement is formulated;the research design is presented;the dissertation outline is added.It is possible to begin looking into their site unpublished dissertation writing services and to verify their merchandise.

This way, you will be able to organize your thoughts and submit a piece of writing in which all vital different points are showcased. Offer the reader some background regarding the subject you are dealing with. Clarify what the focus of check your study is. Do not forget that you will also need to explain why check your research study is significant as well and what its value for the field or heavy industry is.Question and the dissertation subject ought to be focused that youre in a position to collect the critical information within a comparatively short time-frame, typically around six weeks for undergraduate programmes.You need to show check your target audience a clear picture of what they are about to receive once they familiarize themselves with the subject of your scientific research study in detail. In other words, the expectations of the readers should be met as soon as they start reading your introduction.Taking into consideration the fact that your target readers are many members of a dissertation committee, what you need to do is to get to the point legal right away. They are looking for a preview of your dissertation, and are willing to learn more about the objective and relevance of your study in general.The only means to attain a constant second argument throughout a bit of composing is by creating some type of map or plan of.

Do not forget to define the public key terms of your dissertation. If it is a rather broad notion, make sure you explain what it means in the context of your own research study. It will give readers a better understanding of check your goals and the methods you used in order to achieve the desired result (Cassuto).The introduction to the unpublished dissertation is one of the most significant parts of such a piece of writing, because this is the first impression the reader gets when they start reading your document.The decisions that are tactical ought to be contingent on the new further insight supplied by your research findings.Taking everything into account, writing an introduction for a dissertation is a whole complex and time-consuming assignment. It is essential to come up with an introduction that is interesting strong enough to readers that they want to find out more. Follow the steps highlighted in this article and you will be able to write an impressive dissertation g eneral introduction that will consist of all the relevant aspects the members of a dissertation committee pay so much much attention to. Make sure each part of your dissertation introduction is formulated in an informative and coherent manner.Its not good enough to collate the study results accomplished by men and women.

Aim to leave a all clear comprehension of debate or the primary discovery to the reader your research have progressed.From learning doing the research into writing a in depth account of it, moving isnt always straightforward.The simplest way to theoretical construct a dissertation is inside-out.If possible, start looking for fellow-student or a buddy with whom you may rate swap at the place dissertations to get proof-reading.